FAQs Regarding Gameplay
Thank you for playing Faaast Penguin.
This is the FAQs page regarding the gameplay.
Known Issues:https://faaast-penguin.com/en/news/948/
A Guide to Epic Games Account Registration:https://faaast-penguin.com/en/news/564/
Regarding Platforms
Q: Can save data be shared between different platforms?
A: Cross-platform save data is supported.
However, paid crystals are managed separately on the Nintendo Switch version and other platforms (Steam, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Epic Games Store) and cannot be shared between them.
Q: Can I play with players on different platforms?
A: You can play online together regardless of the platform.
Gameplay Issues
Q: I can’t seem to match with other players.
A: If you cancel the matchmaking process within 100 seconds and try again, it may help if you wait around 180 seconds
for better results.
- At the beginning of matchmaking, we try to account for latency and player skill level, but the conditions become
more lenient as time passes to make matchmaking easier. Currently, there is a known issue where, even though
matchmaking is completed internally, the player is not guided to the floating island for several seconds. - If you cancel during this period, you may cancel participation in that match as well.
We are working to address this issue, and we apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime.
Q: I am experiencing a lot of lag.
A:“Auto (Prioritize Connection Speed)” is recommended for server selection.
This option prioritizes matching based on connection speed by excluding slower servers, while considering the matchmaking rate and wait times. We recommend using this option for general play, but for more detailed control, you can select from other server options.
Q: I don’t know how to play in a party.
A: We have published a tutorial, so please check it out.
Gameplay Issues (Steam / Epic Games Store Version)
Q: I get a “Fatal Error” when trying to launch the game.
A: This issue has been observed when launching directly from the executable file in the installation folder. Please start the game through the store launcher or the shortcut created during installation.
Q: The game won’t launch, saying Easy Anti-Cheat is not installed.
A: Please make sure you have the latest version of the game. If the error continues to appear, please try the following
- Open your file explorer and navigate to the game’s installation folder.
- Right-click the “InstallEAC.bat” file and select “Run as Administrator.”
Q: The invite function to become a party is not available.
A: Please make sure you have the latest version of the game. If the error continues to appear, please try the following
- Open your file explorer and navigate to the game’s installation folder.
- Right-click “EpicOnlineServicesInstaller.exe” in the “EpicOnlineServices” file and select “Run as
Q: The game stutters and the performance is unstable.
A: This issue may occur if you are using mouse control-related applications. Please disable any mouse control applications while playing Faaast Penguin.
Regarding In-Game Purchases
Q: Can you play Faaast Penguin without making in-game purchases?
A: Yes, you can.
Faaast Penguin is free to play by default, and in-game purchases are not required.
You can enjoy all the content of Faaast Penguin even without making in-game purchases.
Q: What are the in-game items available for purchase in Faaast Penguin?
A: Here are the in-game items that are available for purchase in Faaast Penguin:
- Crystals ×500
- Crystals ×1,000
- Crystals ×2,200 (×2,063 for Epic Games Store version only)
- Crystals ×6,000
- Crystals ×13,000
Q: Do crystals expire?
A: There is no expiration date. (Revised on October 17, 2024)
Crystals are consumed in the order of paid crystals first, followed by free crystals.
Q: Are in-game purchases in Faaast Penguin refundable?
A: This is explained in [9. Paid Services] of Faaast Penguin’s terms of service.
Terms of Service: https://faaast-penguin.com/en/terms/